Sunday, June 6, 2010

First axe has been chosen EPIPHONE

I am starting with a series of guitars that I have owned many of. And are some of the most purchased world wide.

The Epiphone Les paul is iconic to say the least. We will be starting with Epiphones mohagany body and mohagany top les pauls.

This includes:
1. Epiphone Les Paul Special's
2. Epiphone Les Paul Studio and studio Deluxe
3. Epiphone Les Paul Traditional Pro
4. And Epiphone Les paul 100

Now don't eat me up just yet let me explain. These guitars are regularly produced. I know there are others that are limited edition with the mohagany specs referred above. I will include pictures of said guitars after they have been thoroughly processed.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ranking terms

After much thought and council I feel I have come up with a ranking system for guitars. In this blog we will be starting with rock n roll guitars. This includes Classic rock, modern rock, metal, hair metal, and heavy/death metal. This will also be the solid body guitars of these era's.

1) Shredability - this ranking will be 1-5 skulls and will determine how fast and easy the neck and body play. Now don't confuse this with playability (cause that's fuckin stupid).

2) Eye Candy Score - This reviews how visually pleasant the guitar is to me. I will be performing votes to get a true score for this. this ranking will be 1-10 chocolate bars, as there are so many different looks to so many different guitars. Also with this rank originality will be taken into account as well as difficulty in application.

3) Sensation Sound - or S/S will be how this guitar performs on sound. Now this is the part at which I will perform on one amp and one amp only. As well we will run this test on 3 settings to see how these guitars sound depending on how much output you attempt to push the pickups.

4) Mysterious Appeal - This one is not as subjective to a traditional ranking system but decided to add this ranking as lots of guitars have this appeal that cannot be explained. This is a yes or no rating. When a guitar "speaks to me" it will get a YES in M.A. and if the appeal is equivilant to a piece of wood it will get a NO. This ranking is more for me than you as appeal may be completly different so don't be offended if I don't like a guitar for this reason. I will still be very subjective with the other rankings.

Now I am sure some of you are wondering why you should trust my opinion and if it can be trusted. Well I will be gathering opinions from not only myself but many others. Inlcluding luthiers, professional musicians, and designers of guitars and amps. I have inlisted there help on occasions where a true pro is needed.

Friday, June 4, 2010

To Axe or Not to Axe...and which

This Blog is for one purpose, to bring you the Axe of the century. Through this journey I will be reviewing and being as critical as possible of all types of guitars.

Now I won't just play a guitar, I will play multiple of each type (as all of us know, no guitar is made equal even with the same name). I am doing this for me and for anyone who really wants to know. I decided to post this as I am not the only one who is sick of reviews from a man or woman who owns one guitar or has never even tried to play others, but has the audacity to say that this guitar is the best ever...maybe the best in your fantasy land but not in mine.

Here are the rules:
1. Guitars will be ranked and tested against others of
a. The same national origin.
b. The same appropriate price range
c. The same materials to the best extent.
d. And finally the genre of the type of music it falls into (ex: martic acoustic is not going against Gibson Les pauls).

If you can agree with these rules stay tuned as this is going to get interesting.

For more news and information refer back to main site.